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Coca-Cola Twists Iconic Logo to Inspire People to Recycle
WPP Open X, led by Ogilvy New York campaign sees Coca-Cola motivate consumers to recycle their used Coke cans Today, Coca-Cola announces...

The Future of AI and Machine Learning in Marketing Automation
In the rapidly evolving landscape of marketing automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are emerging as powerful...

Exploring the Latest Technological Innovations Reshaping Marketing Platforms
In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, technological innovations are constantly reshaping the way brands connect with consumers and...

Innovations Driving Change in Marketing Strategies Worldwide
In the fast-paced world of marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential for brands looking to capture audience attention and drive...

Emerging Trends Redefining the Global Marketing Ecosystem
In today's rapidly evolving digital age, the global marketing ecosystem is undergoing a seismic shift, driven by emerging trends and...

Ази, Номхон далайн орнуудын зах зээлийн судалгааны байгууллагуудын 15-р чуулган
Вайрал маркетингийн агентлагийн Ахлах Менежер Н.Гарамханд 2023 оны 10 сард зохион байгуулагдсан APRC Маrketing Research & AI чуулганд...

Strategies for Effective Advertising in a Changing Market Landscape
In today's dynamic and ever-evolving market landscape, advertising has become more challenging yet crucial than ever before. With...

Unlocking the Power of Branding in the Digital Age
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, where consumers are bombarded with endless options and distractions, the importance of branding...

Smart Marketing Conference 2023
Senior Manager Dulguun.G has recently marked a significant achievement by actively participating in the Mongolian Marketing Association's...
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