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The Future of Creativity

APU Dairy - Pro Plus - Ялалт Бүр Амттай!


The social campaign for the Pro+ brand, "Every Victory is Delicious" implemented in cooperation with Apu Dairy LLC, was carried out with the aim of supporting the athletes representing Mongolia at the "Paris 2024" Olympic Games, a symbol of the unity of humanity.

| Creative & Photography Posters

| Reels

| Cinemagraphy Reels

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  • Team Leader: Munkhzaya. E

  • Senior Account Manager: Bulgankhishig. T

  • Account Manager: Munkh-Erdene. I

  • Assistant Account Manager: Sodbileg. E

  • Art Director: Amin-Erdene. P

  • Assistant Photographer: Turbold. T

  • Assistant Videographer: Telmun. G

  • 3D Animator: Namuun. A

  • Assistant Video Editor: Temuulen. P

  • Designer: Telmuulen. D, Turbold. T

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Work Day at Viral

Hallway Entrance


Маркетинг менежер, Креатив дайректор, Арт дайректор, Сэтгүүлч, Хүний нөөцийн менежер, Оффис менежер, Туслах менежер, Дизайнер, Видео эдитор, дадлага хийх оюутнуудыг бүтэн цаг болон хагас цагаар ажиллахыг урьж байна.

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