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Coca-Cola Twists Iconic Logo to Inspire People to Recycle

Writer's picture: Viral PartnersViral Partners

WPP Open X, led by Ogilvy New York campaign sees Coca-Cola motivate consumers to recycle their used Coke cans

Today, Coca-Cola announces the launch of a new global OOH campaign ‘Recycle Me’ to inspire people to make recycling part of their daily Coca-Cola experience. 

Launching initially in Latin America, ‘Recycle Me’ will see the brand unveil a series of powerful OOH creatives which depict the Coca-Cola logo after a can has been crushed during the recycling process. This telegraphic and impactful visual, with the ‘Recycle Me’ call to action taken right from the side of the can, is designed to put recycling front of mind and encourage the consumer to take positive action after consuming a can of Coke. 

The latest campaign is an innovative effort by Coca-Cola to motivate consumers to recycle their used Coke cans, supporting the company's ‘World Without Waste’ strategy. Using the power of Coca-Cola's iconic and globally recognised logo, the new ‘Recycle Me’ campaign helps promote the idea that sustainability is a collective responsibility and to encourage recycling on a mass scale. 

Developed by WPP Open X, led by Ogilvy New York, the creatives will be showcased on numerous OOH and DOOH sites in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, as well as in print advertising and on social channels. 

The impactful assets were created by extracting images of logos from real crushed cans. Using a variety of techniques like mechanical presses and vacuums, cans were crushed to make unique spins on the world’s most iconic logo. The ambitious project uses a unique logo for each OOH execution, mimicking the different ways people crush their cans before recycling them. A film documenting the process will launch later this month. 

Islam ElDessouky, global vice president creative strategy and content at Coca-Cola comments, “At Coca-Cola, we aim to have a world without waste. We are working to innovate our products towards our global goal of making 100% of our packaging recyclable by 2025. We also aim to collect and recycle a bottle or can for each one we sell by 2030, and we have a unique opportunity to use our marketing to send a powerful message and bring consumers along our journey. ‘Recycle Me’ calls for us all to recycle wherever possible.” 

The campaign was developed by WPP Open X, led by Ogilvy New York and supported by Ogilvy PR. 

The OOH global campaign launched in Latin America from 4th April 2024. 


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