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The Future of Creativity

CU - Үзүүлээд Өгье!

Updated: Sep 28


In contemporary society, it is imperative that we take an active stance in response to the increasing prevalence of teenage smoking, which can be attributed to unregulated tobacco sales. We strongly encourage all retail trade organizations to rigorously verify consumer identification when selling cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, ensuring these products are distributed in compliance with stringent regulatory standards.

To enhance the regulation of tobacco and alcohol products, we have initiated the "Show and Give" campaign to verify users' civil documents and ensure consistent enforcement in our operations. We invite parents and the community to participate in this initiative for the betterment of our future.

Date: 2024.05.01 - 2024.05.30

Client: CU Mongolia

| Social Videos

| Photography

| Behind the scenes


  • Team Leader: Munkhzaya. E

  • Account Manager: Bulgankhishig. T

  • Assistant Account Manager: Tergel. A

  • Art Director: Amin-Erdene. P

  • Production Assistant: Telmuun. G, Temuulen. P


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Work Day at Viral

Hallway Entrance


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