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Viral Academy: Digital Marketing Excellence - Planning, Optimizing and Integrating Online Marketing

Writer's picture: Viral PartnersViral Partners

Duration: 4 hours

Program fee: 5 Million MNT per class

Instructor: Dovdonbalbar.T (Co-founder of Viral Agency)

Students: Maximum 20 participant per cohort

Overview The Digital Marketing Excellence will help those with good knowledge of digital marketing, take their skills and knowledge to the next level and build a comprehensive digital strategy. The course will work through a step-by-step process to allow delegates to build a digital marketing strategy over the two days that they can take away and implement. Heavily focused on analysis of results throughout, the course will show how to build effective plans and judge return on investment (ROI). The course ends with delegates getting feedback on their strategies so they can refine before implementation.

Who should attend? This is a practical course for anyone involved with the management of digital channels, or the over-arching digital strategy. You may be working in a client side or agency side role, either as a digital marketing specialist or a marketer.

Learning outcomes

  • Digital marketing in perspective - challenges, trends and changes

  • Digital marketing strategy - situational analysis, objectives and KPIs, strategy models and implementation

  • Digital Transformation - the ten key pillars of digital capability

  • Advanced digital channel techniques - SEO, paid search, social media, email and display advertising

  • Automation, personalisation and Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

  • In-depth analytics - analysis, funnels, reporting and ROI

  • Building a measurement framework

  • Digital marketing strategy workshop and feedback

Contact us: 99109326, 89066842


Work Day at Viral

Hallway Entrance


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