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"Spreading Warmth and Hope: Join the 'Warm Feet' Donation Campaign"

Writer's picture: Bulgankhishig TumurbaatarBulgankhishig Tumurbaatar

As the cold sets in and winter approaches, have you joined the “Warm Feet” donation campaign?

Led by Goodneighbors Mongolia, the “Warm Feet” donation campaign brings warmth to children from disadvantaged backgrounds by providing them with shoes. This year, for the first time, the campaign is using billboard posters to share its message, and we are proud to have contributed to the design and photo shoot.

This poster is more than just a visual; it’s a reminder that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Each pair of shoes represents protection from the cold and a symbol of solidarity, ensuring no child faces winter alone.

Join us in spreading warmth and hope. Together, we can help children walk through winter with warmth under their feet and love in their hearts.

Project Team

Team Leader: Bulgankhishig G.

Production Director: Amin-Erdene P.

Account Manager: Mungunduulga E.

Photographer/Graphic Designer: Turbold T.



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