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"Tanaid Deej Suu Baigaa Yu? – Start Your Health Journey Today!"

Writer's picture: Munkhzaya ErdenedelgerMunkhzaya Erdenedelger


The "Tanaid Deej Suu Baigaa Yu?" campaign encourages everyone to add milk to their daily diet, highlighting its nutritional value and health benefits. With milk consumption in Mongolia three times lower than the UN's recommendation, we promote clean, pasteurized cow's milk for the health and well-being of your loved ones. Our range of tailored products is designed to meet the diverse health needs of all consumers.

Client: APU Dairy LLC

Date: 2024/09-2024/10

Project team:

Team Leader: Munkhzaya E.

Account manager: Enkhjin B.

Production : Lasso Studio

Production Director: Amin-Erdene P.

Production Designer: Turbold. T, Temuulen. P

Photography posters

Tour Vlog



Work Day at Viral

Hallway Entrance


Маркетинг менежер, Креатив дайректор, Арт дайректор, Сэтгүүлч, Хүний нөөцийн менежер, Оффис менежер, Туслах менежер, Дизайнер, Видео эдитор, дадлага хийх оюутнуудыг бүтэн цаг болон хагас цагаар ажиллахыг урьж байна.

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