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Viral Agency x BonPari: A Month of Flavorful Fun with Market Gate LLC!

Writer: Munkhzaya ErdenedelgerMunkhzaya Erdenedelger


We’re thrilled to share the highlights of our recent month-long campaign with BonPari, the gummy brand from Market Gate LLC. This campaign was centered around a one-of-a-kind music video commercial (TVC) that combined a vibrant mix of 70% 3D animation and 30% dynamic set design. The commercial celebrates BonPari’s fun, flavorful appeal with captivating visuals and energetic dance choreography that brings the gummy’s playful spirit to life.


A special shout-out goes to Enerel from Opozit and Belucci Records for composing an incredible track that set the tone for the entire project. Enerel’s music brought a new level of excitement to the TVC, giving it a catchy beat that viewers won’t forget!


At the center of the campaign is the charismatic Cami, a beloved content creator and influencer. Known for her positive energy and creativity, Cami has a massive following among young audiences, and her presence added an authentic, relatable charm to the campaign. Her role as the main character brought BonPari’s vibrant world to life in a way that kids everywhere could connect with.


We’d also like to extend our gratitude to Market Gate LLC for collaborating with us on this unforgettable journey. Together, we’re sharing BonPari’s fun flavors and cheerful spirit with audiences in an engaging, memorable way.


Senior Account Manager: Munkhzaya E.

Account Manager: Uugantsetseg S.

Production: Sorry me

Studio: Cinemagic

Gaffer: Erkhemee

Artist: Cami

Music: Belucci Records

Stylist: LIDA

Behind the scene:



Work Day at Viral

Hallway Entrance


Маркетинг менежер, Креатив дайректор, Арт дайректор, Сэтгүүлч, Хүний нөөцийн менежер, Оффис менежер, Туслах менежер, Дизайнер, Видео эдитор, дадлага хийх оюутнуудыг бүтэн цаг болон хагас цагаар ажиллахыг урьж байна.

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